
Jonas Brothers já receberam tubarão morto de presente

Falando de presentes estranhos, os Jonas Brothers anunciaram que já receberam um tubarão morto dos fãs.

“A coisa mais louca que nós recebemos foi definitivamente um tubarão morto”, conta Joe Jonas ao Digital Spy.

“Não era um tubarão tão grande”, Nick esclarece. “Só era um tubarão bebê, e eles preservaram-no num tubo pra nós”.

“Ainda estamos tentando imaginar como eles compraram um tubarão morto. Existe algum site chamado Compreumtubarã”, disse Kevin Jonas.

“Eles nem deixaram uma nota explicando.  Só foi tipo, ‘aqui está um tubarão morto'”, completou Nick.

Talking about strange gifts from fans the Jonas Brother’s announced they once received a dead shark from fans.

“The craziest thing we’ve ever been given is definitely a dead shark,” group member Joe Jonas told Digital Spy.

“It wasn’t a real big shark though,” his brother Nick clarified. “It was only a baby shark but they’d preserved it in this tube for us. That was odd.”

However, the brothers admitted that they are still bemused as to how – and why – the fan purchased the gift.

“We’re still trying to figure out how they actually went about buying a dead shark. I mean, is there such website as” Kevin Jonas said.

“They didn’t even leave a note explaining. It was just, ‘Here’s a dead shark’,” Nick added.