Agora sim, com o primeiro dia útil do ano, podemos afirmar: 2023 começou! E para quem curte games, o mês de janeiro vem recheado de grandes lançamentos.
Foto: Unsplash
Leia mais:
- Xbox Game Pass: O que já está confirmado para 2023
- “High On Life”: Em seu lançamento, título quebra recordes do Xbox Game Pass
- “God of War”: Série da Amazon será fiel ao game
- J.K. Rowling fala sobre boicote ao game “Hogwarts Legacy”
Em um ano com grandes títulos aguardados pelo público programados para lançamento, como “Hogwarts Legacy” e “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom”, janeiro traz como destaques os games “Dead Space” e “Fire Emblem Engage”.
Confira a lista completa de lançamentos de games de janeiro:
- 11/01 – Children of Silentown (PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch)
- 12/01 – Drago Noka (PC, Nintendo Switch)
- 12/01 – Lone Ruin (PC, Nintendo Switch)
- 13/01 – Dragon Ball: Kakarot (PS5, Xbox Series)
- 13/01 – One Piece Odyssey (PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series)
- 18/01 – Graze Counter GM (PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch)
- 19/01 – A Space for the Unbound (PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch)
- 19/01 – Persona 3 Portable (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch)
- 19/01 – Persona 4 Golden (PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch)
- 20/01 – Fire Emblem Engage (Nintendo Switch)
- 20/01 – Monster Hunter Rise (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series)
- 24/01 – Forspoken (PC, PS5)
- 24/01 – Hyperdimension Neptunia: Sisters vs. Sisters (PC, PS4, PS5)
- 24/01 – Risen (PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch)
- 26/01 – Disgaea (PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch)
- 26/01 – Pizza Tower (PC)
- 26/01 – Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life (Nintendo Switch)
- 26/01 – Summer Time Rendering: Another Horizon (PS4, Nintendo Switch)
- 26/01 – Wonder Boy Anniversary Collection (PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch)
- 27/01 – Alice Escaped! (PC, Nintendo Switch)
- 27/01 – Atone: Heart of the Elder Tree (PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch)
- 27/01 – Dead Space (PC, PS5, Xbox Series)
- 31/01 – Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (Xbox One, Xbox Series)
- 31/01 – SpongeBob Square Pants: The Cosmic Shake (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch)
- 31/01 – We Were Here Forever (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series)