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Angels & Airwaves libera mais uma música do novo álbum

Música é a quarta do próximo álbum da banda que sai ainda em setembro.
Angels & Airwaves no clipe de "Spellbound" / Foto YouTube (riserecords)

O Angels & Airwaves liberou mais uma música do novo álbum, “Lifeforms”, que será lançado no próximo dia 24 de setembro. “Spellbound” estreou já com videoclipe dirigido pelo próprio Tom DeLonge.

Confira a letra

I’m so, lost in desire
Can’t dig myself out
— something’s out there pulling at me
—like a ghost most definitely, yeah

like having sex while on fire
There’s no putting you out
— always out there biting that leash
— but you do it so delicately, yeah

Hey now, I’ll never say I’m sorry
I was never that coy
— Pull the pin, your cracking my head
— either way, I’m better off dead, yeah

Your rope is gripping me much tighter
I will figure you out
— waiting for these cuts to sting
— knowing how my heart will bleed, yeah

Some day I think I might scare you
I’ll be sneaking around
— I’m a thief who would think it was fun
— when u sleep, your alarm’s undone, yeah

One day, you’ll know that I’m prowling
Am I creeping you out
— an enemy having bad intentions
— like Halloween as an intervention

That girl will be your end
And she’ll bury you underground
She’ll kill you now and then
Cause your heart has been spellbound

And if you try to run
If it goes it comes around
It’s not hard to die from love
When your heart has been spellbound

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O “Lifeforms”

Capa do “Lifeform”

Esta é a quarta música do projeto lançada este ano. De maio pra cá, a banda de Tom já liberou as faixas “Euphotia”, “Losing My Mind” e “Restless Souls”. No total, o álbum terá ainda outras seis faixas desconhecidas até o momento.

Confira a tracklist:

01) Timebomb
02) Euphoria
03) Spellbound
04) No More guns
05) Losing My Mind
06) Automatic
07) Restless Souls
08) Rebel Girl
09) A Fire in a Nameless Town
10) Kiss & Tell



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