
Taylor Swift publica poema inédito na revista Vogue britânica

Capa da nova edição da revista Vogue britânica, Taylor Swift concedeu um poema escrito especialmente para a publicação. Intitulado “The Trick to Holding On”, o poema foi a forma que a cantora encontrou para dar algo exclusivo para a Vogue sem a necessidade de uma entrevista propriamente dita. Para a era “reputation”, ela busca falar o mínimo possível com a mídia.

Leia o poema completo:
The Trick to Holding On

Let go of the ones who hurt you
Let go of the ones you outgrow
Let go of the words they hurl your way
as you’re walking out the door
The only thing cut and dry
In this hedge-maze life
Is the fact that their words will cut
but your tears will dry

They don’t tell you this when you are young
You can’t hold on to everything
Can’t show up for everyone
You pick your poison
Or your cure
Phone numbers you know by heart
And the ones you don’t answer any more

Hold on to the faint recognition in
the eye of a stranger
As it catches you in its lustrous net
How quickly we become intertwined
How wonderful it is to forget
All the times your intuition failed you
But it hasn’t killed you yet
Hold on to childlike whims and moonlight
swims and your blazing self-respect

And if you drive the roads of this town
Ones you’ve gone down so many times before
Flashback to all the times
Life nearly ran you off the road
But tonight your hand is steady
Suddenly you’ll know
The trick to holding on
Was all that letting go

Por enquanto, a única entrevista que Taylor Swift concedeu durante a divulgação do álbum “Reputation” foi para a revista Time – que a elegeu uma das personalidades do ano. A cantora falou sobre o caso de assédio que sofreu e foi parar na Justiça. Leia aqui!