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Novos detalhes sobre o novo álbum de Britney Spears

Veja também a possível letra de “Hold It Against Me”, novo single da princesa do pop.

Veja também a possível letra de "Hold It Against Me", novo single da princesa do pop.

Para muita gente, o ano de 2010 tem que acabar logo para 2011 chegar e nos presentear com os lançamentos do single e álbum novos de Britney Spears.

Enquanto isso não acontece, novas informações sobre o aguardadíssimo (e ainda sem título) novo álbum da princesa do pop vão aparecendo. A mais nova é que Britney teria trabalhado com a dupla de produtores britânicos Xenomania, responsáveis por todos os sucessos do Girls Aloud e vários hits da Kylie Minogue e Cher.

Para deixar os fãs ainda mais ansiosos, confiram a (possível) letra de “Hold It Agains Me”, novo single de Britney Spears que deve estrear nas primeiras semanas de 2011:

Hey over there
Please forgive me
I’m gonna have some fun tonight
And ain’t that how it should be?

Dancing to my favorite song
All by myself (Loving myself)

And ain’t that how it should be?

Baby, you can hold it against me
But tonight, I’m out on my own
You think I dress to impress them
But tonight, I’m doin’ it for myself

Hold it against me (Just do it)
Hold it against me (Boy, just do it)
Hold it against me
But when I go home tonight,
I’ll be by myself (Loving myself)

You think you’re a rockstar
Coming on over to my party
That this tight ass dress is for you
Thinking that’s how it should be

Dancing to my favorite song
All by myself (Loving myself)

Baby, you can hold it against me
But tonight, I’m out on my own
You think I dress to impress them
But tonight, I’m doin’ it for myself

Hold it against me (Just do it)
Hold it against me (Boy, just do it)
Hold it against me

Just do it, just do it
Just do it, just do it

If you hold it against me
I won’t mind, cause babe
It’s just not our time
And if you wanna dance
You might as well ask (My girlfriend)
As I’ll be on the dancefloor
All by myself
All by myself

Baby, you can hold it against me
But tonight, I’m out on my own
You think I dress to impress them
But tonight, I’m doin’ it for myself

Hold it against me (Just do it)
Hold it against me (Boy, just do it)
Hold it against me

baby, you can hold it against me
But tonight, I’m out on my own
You think I dress to impress them
But tonight, I’m doin’ it for myself

Hold it against me (Just do it)
Hold it against me (Boy, just do it)
Hold it against me

Hold it against me
Hold it against me



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