
“Friends”: confira a letra da música nova de Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber lançou um single novo nesta quinta (17/8) – “Friends”, em parceria com BloodPop, que assina a produção. Bem recebida pelos fãs, a faixa também conta com co-autoria de Julia Michaels e Justin Tranter, mesma dupla por trás do megahit “Sorry”. Será que esse timão vai repetir o sucesso do single do álbum “Purpose”?

Enquanto as paradas não são atualizadas e essa resposta não vem, que tal aprender a cantar? A letra da música já está disponível na Internet. Confira:

[Verse 1]
I was wonderin’ ‘bout your mama
Did she get that job she wanted?
Sold that car that gave her problems
I’m just curious ‘bout her, honest

Girl, you wonderin’ why I’ve been callin’?
Like I’ve got ulterior motives
No, we didn’t end this so good
But you know we had something so good

So I’m wondering, can we still be friends? (oh-oh)
Can we still be friends? (oh-oh)
Doesn’t have to end
And if it ends, can we be friends?
Can we be friends?
Can we be friends?
Can we be friends?

[Verse 2]
Wonderin’ if you got a body
To hold you tight since I left
Wonderin’ if you think about me
Actually, don’t answer that

Girl, you wonderin’ why I’ve been callin’?
Like I’ve got ulterior motives
No, we didn’t end this so good
But you know we had something so good

So I’m wondering, can we still be friends? (oh-oh)
Can we still be friends? (oh-oh)
Doesn’t have to end
And if it ends, can we be friends?
Can we be friends?
Can we be friends?
And if it ends, can we be friends?

Girl, you wonderin’ why I’ve been callin’?
Like I’ve got ulterior motives
No, we didn’t end this so good
But you know we had something so good

So I’m wondering, can we still be friends? (oh-oh)
Can we still be friends? (oh-oh)
Doesn’t have to end
And if it ends, can we be friends?


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