Uma tragédia aconteceu no final do show da Ariana Grande na noite desta segunda-feira (22), em Manchester, no norte da Inglaterra. A explosão de uma bomba causou mortos e feridos em um ataque que está sendo tratado como atentado terrorista.
Pelo Twitter, alguns famosos enviaram apoio.
Absolutely heartbroken for #Manchester. Devastating news. My love, thoughts & prayers go out to all.
— kylie minogue (@kylieminogue) 23 de maio de 2017
Sending love to the U.K., @ArianaGrande and all of her supporters who were caught up in this awful attack. Heartbreaking.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) 23 de maio de 2017
Thinking about my @arianagrande and the U.K. In this moment ! Praying for u all!! Lord help
— Jennifer Hudson (@IAMJHUD) 23 de maio de 2017
Our prayers and strength to the victims and their families involved in this tragedy. Stay strong. @ArianaGrande 🙏🏼
— Christina Aguilera (@xtina) 23 de maio de 2017
Just saw the news about Manchester… Our hearts are breaking 💔 Prayers for all who attended, their families, Ari and her whole crew.
— Fifth Harmony (@FifthHarmony) 23 de maio de 2017
oh god…….my heart is breaking hearing about this tragedy that happened at Manchester arena tonight…
— Camila Cabello (@Camila_Cabello) 23 de maio de 2017
My heart hurts for my sister, Ariana & every family affected by this tragic event in the U.K. Innocent lives lost. I’m so sorry to hear this
— NICKI MINAJ (@NICKIMINAJ) 23 de maio de 2017
💔 Manchester
— hayley from Paramore (@yelyahwilliams) 22 de maio de 2017
every musician feels sick & responsible tonight—shows should be safe for you. truly a worst nightmare. sending love to manchester & ari
— Lorde (@lorde) 23 de maio de 2017
We are so saddened by the tragedy in Manchester last night. Our heartfelt thoughts go out to the beautiful Ariana fans and their families ❤️
— Little Mix (@LittleMix) 23 de maio de 2017
I feel so devastated by the tragedy that has happened in Manchester last night.
— Dua Lipa (@Dua_updates) 23 de maio de 2017
Harsh reminder of how precious life really is. Woke up with an eerie feeling. What a tragedy. My love goes out to those impacted. 🙏🏼
— Anne-Marie ♡ (@AnneMarieIAm) 23 de maio de 2017
praying for the hurting families in manchester💔 i’m so heartbroken.
— tori kelly (@torikelly) 23 de maio de 2017
People are fucking sick. An Ariana concert? You KNOW the majority is children and teenagers… I can’t believe how cruel people are.
— Zara Larsson (@zaralarsson) 23 de maio de 2017
Can’t believe what happened in #Manchester. So sad! My thoughts are with all the victims and their families 😥
— David Guetta (@davidguetta) 23 de maio de 2017
— Meghan Trainor (@Meghan_Trainor) 23 de maio de 2017
Music is supposed to be a safe place. Only a coward would attempt to devalue that.
— NE-YO (@NeYoCompound) 23 de maio de 2017
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone effected by this horrible attack in Manchester. My heart is broken this morning.
— Nick Jonas (@nickjonas) 23 de maio de 2017
Sick over the incident in Manchester. Such tragic and wildly senseless manifestations of pain. I’m so sorry and so sad.
— Sara Bareilles (@SaraBareilles) 23 de maio de 2017
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) 23 de maio de 2017
literally in tears rn …. I’m deeply saddened by the news. sending all my love and prayers to those in Manchester 💔
— ♕DinahJane (@dinahjane97) 23 de maio de 2017
Que triste REAL o ocorrido no show da Ariana :/
— Lorena Simpson (@LorenaSimpson) 23 de maio de 2017
wishing I could give my friend @ArianaGrande a great big hug right now… love love love you …. so sorry you had…
— Miley Ray Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) 23 de maio de 2017
Orando por todo mundo no show da Ariana Grande – Katy Perry.
Praying for everyone at @ArianaGrande‘s show
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) 22 de maio de 2017
“Minhas orações estão com as pessoas de Manchester. Tive os melhores momentos lá na minha vida” – Cher
— Cher (@cher) 22 de maio de 2017
“O que aconteceu em Manchester é horrível. Rezando para que todos os afetados fiquem seguros e na esperança que Ariana fique bem 🙁 Jesus” – Halsey.
What is happening in Manchester is absolutely terrifying. Praying everyone effected has found safety and hope Ariana is okay 🙁 Jesus
— h (@halsey) 22 de maio de 2017
“Assistindo as notícias em choque. Meu coração está quebrado pela fatalidade na Manchester Arena.” – Nathan Sykes
Watching the news in total shock. Heartbreaking to hear of fatalities at the Manchester Arena.
— Nathan Sykes (@NathanSykes) 22 de maio de 2017
“Chorando imaginando inocentes frequentadores de concertos perdendo suas vidas… orando por todos e por todos” – Demi Lovato
Tearing up imagining innocent concert goers losing their lives.. praying for everyone and all #arianators. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) 22 de maio de 2017
Meus pensamentos, orações e lágrimas por todos os afetados da tragédia em Manchester esta noitw. Estou mandando todo amor – Taylor Swift
My thoughts, prayers and tears for all those affected by the Manchester tragedy tonight. I’m sending all my love.
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) 23 de maio de 2017
“Meu coração está triste por minha irmã, Ariana, e todos os afetados por este trágico evento no Reino Unido. Vidas inocentes perdidas. O mundo está chorando.” – Nicki Minaj
My heart hurts for my sister, Ariana & every family affected by this tragic event in the U.K. Innocent lives lost. I’m so sorry to hear this
— NICKI MINAJ (@NICKIMINAJ) 23 de maio de 2017